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The Funniest Thing I Hear People Say About Water

  • By The Water Guy
  • Nov 01, 2018
The Funniest Thing I Hear People Say About Water

This one has to be the top of the list and not only is it funny buts its very interesting when you dig into it’s origins. In some drinking water conversations this will come out as a blunt statement, “reverse osmosis water is dead water”

I used to trip over myself in the rush to try to set them straight, now I pause so as not to start chuckling and offend them. So lets have a look at this and see who’s making these statements and why. And where did this idea come from and of course we must ask the question, are they right or wrong or is the truth somewhere in the middle.

Who are these people? Surprisingly enough they are from a wide variety or walks. The first person to say this was university educated, 50ish, married, business owner, technical profession trades person, a self described health nut. Before him it was a young guy, married with kids, smoker, highly paid skilled labourer in the oil patch. A cool older guy, tradesman, self educated, veracious reader, health conscious. Prior was a woman, mother, wife, medical professional, business owner, and last summer one of my dear old hippie friends who has spent her years on the path to health and well being.

So what do they have in common? Obviously nothing much, so more specifically what is their connection? They all owned an alkaline increasing water machine. You know one of those typically Korean made electronic alkalinity boosting machines.

I have nothing against alkaline water, or these machines, in fact we sell several types of alkaline boosting filters that are often used as a final stage on reverse osmosis system.

It’s the dead water comment that’s so interesting.

So how could sane smart engaged people not only believe this without evidence but repeat it like its their manifesto. It seems the alkaline machine marketing was really well done. So well done in fact that people actually believe if they increase the pH and alkalinity of their water that alone will make their water healthy regardless of the sources content.

One would think common sense would step in at this point and you’d say to yourself, "Hey, how is that possible?". I’ve asked this question and have been told things like there is a filter in these machines prior to the alkalizing process. Again it would seem that they now believe a simple small filter will protect them from any host of known contaminates.

So what about that idea of dead water… if we look at the language literally they would be saying RO water is lifeless. By removing the minerals and in many cases a plethora of contaminants we have killed it. RO water is unhealthy many of these people would say next. Even from a simple chemistry-health perspective it’s a bit silly.

Lets face it, those machines are expensive, and maybe those that sell them feel their claims need to be bigger than life, beyond common sense to justify the price tag.

I have been successful on several occasions helping people see through the nonsense and marketing bs and refocus on their health. At first they often feel duped for buying that machine, which is unnecessary but a natural reaction, when the emperor’s clothes fall off.

Don’t get me wrong I like the idea of the machine, it’s just that they could use a good reverse osmosis system as a water feed. And then you’d have something interesting, or you could just add a good mineral filter to your existing ro filtration system.

The Water Guy

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