HAPPY Customers

Thanks so much for the comments below. Hope that can be made to work. Appreciate the time you took to look into this.
— W.V.,
Cranbrook - BC

Pro-Pump Septic Tank Treatment 1 Year Supply Flushable Living Bacteria 12 Biodegradable Enzyme Packets Part # MLP/SP-PACK

List Price: $85.00
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Pro-Pump Septic Tank Treatment

1 Year Supply

No Smell, No Mess

Rejuvenate your System with Flushable Living Bacteria

Each box contains 12 Biodegradable Enzyme Packets


*directions: flush one packet down your toilet each month

*this can also be added to outhouses and some composting toilets

Each packet contains a highly active, non odorous bio-formulation designed to ensure long term biological activity in the entire septic system. Pro Pump/SP assures continued year-round biological activity via monthly application and stability in systems receiving inhibitory shock loadings such as: sanitizers, medication and high tissue use. Pro Pump/SP also improves performance in systems under stress due to large family occupancy.

This DRY POWDER bio-formulation is highly active and packaged in 12 convenient two ounce water-soluble packets. Simply flush one packet down the septic tank each month.

  • Maintains system biological activity
  • Helps break down tissue
  • Reduces surface and bottom solids
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