HAPPY Customers

Thank you! I received the replacement bulb on Saturday. I appreciate your service.
— D.M.,
Kaslo - BC

Fernie, BCFernie, British Columbia

  • The Water Guy
  • Local Servicing and Installations
  • West & East Kootenay Service Area

This Elk Valley community is called home by more than 6000 locals and cottage country Albertans.

It is known for the picturesque mountains it is surrounded by and the Elk River that runs through it. This is a mountain culture town all year long.

Outdoor enthsiasts have a multitude of activities to choose from all year round. From mountain biking, fly fishing, white water rafting, golfing, exploring heritage sites, camping, horseback riding, guided wilderness adventures, skiing & more…

Skiing in Fernie

The City of Fernie draws its water from Fairy Spring or Fairy Creek depending on how you look at things.

Recently the city has completed a project to add seasonal wells into the supply chain. The idea is to supplement or replace the spring source during the turbid spring months, reducing or eliminating boil water advisories due to high Coliform counts and turbidity.

Fernie Area Water Treatment

On this town's water a good treatment for your home or business will look like this... A Big Blue turbidity filter, followed by a water softener with a UV light sterilizer and a small reverse osmosis system for all of your cooking and drinking water needs (bottled water on tap).

Out in the countryside, you will find open water sources, shallow wells, and deep wells too. Diverse are the sources and so are the treatments, from iron filters to UV systems, whole house and point of use.

The water is beautiful! No discoloration, smell, etc. It even tastes great!!! Thank you very much!
- C.H., Jaffray - BC

Your Fernie Service & Installation Specialists

West & East Kootenay Local Service & Installation
Installation, Service & Support Inquiries
  1. Visit our Contact Us page.
  2. Select "QUOTE" as a new customer or "SCHEDULE" for servicing existing equiment.
  3. Provide as many details about your requirements as possible.
  4. Attach any Photos, Videos or Water Tests. (Recommended)
  5. Our Water Technicians will contact you to discuss the best options that are specific to your water purification requirements.

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