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Re-mineralizing - Mineral Stone Filter Cartridge

Reverse osmosis is the most effective way of removing unwanted contaminants from drinking water. In the course of reverse osmosis water treatment, although not deliberate, can potentially beneficial nutrients are removed, providing of course there were present in the first place. Though often minerals may be present that are not in the correct form or may contain other contaminates, and thus best removed anyway.

Re-mineralization is a process in which the water after passing through the reverse osmosis membrane is stabilized with the addition of minerals accomplished by use of our limestone media filter. The mineral composition of limestone is highly variable depending upon the source. The Mineral Stone In-line Cartridge we offer at The Water Guy is mineral media that contains the following:

  • SiO2 (Silicon Dioxide) 60-65%
  • Al2O3 (Aluminum Oxide) 12-17.5%
  • Fe2O3 (Ferric Oxide) 4.2-4.8% FeO (Ferrous Oxide) 0-1.3%
  • CaO (Calcium Oxide) 3.8-6.1%
  • MgO (Magnesium Oxide) 3.2-4.3%
  • Na2O (Sodium Oxide) 4.1-4.4%
  • K2O (Potassium Oxide) 0.2-1.3%
  • MnO (Manganese(II) Oxide) 0.07-0.08%
  • TiO (Titanium(II) Oxide) 0.21-0.49%
  • P2O5 (Phosphorus Pentoxide) 0.06-0.18%

Although the minerals come in different forms, the most common method of absorbing them from the digestive system is in the ionic charged form ((the molecules listed above dissociate (split into pieces) into ion pairs)). Forms of minerals that do not ionize have to be absorbed along with whatever the mineral is bound to. In these instances, the work is archived through amino acid chelation followed by transport.

Minerals in water make the water passive and are beneficial to us. The releasing of these minerals also has an ascetic effect on the water often making taste much better. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium also have a benefit of pH adjustments often making the water more alkaline.

After absorption of the minerals, the body uses them with specific organic molecule for the needs of proper function of that molecule. However, some minerals remain as ions in the body. These ions are a part of the biology. There are also many studies demonstrating the uptake of minerals from water, with absorption rates as high or higher than seen in common foods. Calcium and magnesium in water (minerals contributing to the hardness of water) have had beneficial effects on people, including cardiovascular disease and higher bone mass densities.


  1. This filter is not to be used where the water is micro-biologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the unit.
  2. Always flush 4 gallons of water through new Re-materializing In-Line Filter.
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