HAPPY Customers

UNBELIEVEABLE SERVICE, particularly these days!! Must add, I asked a host of questions & have to say, these WATER GUY's KNOW THEIR STUFF! Very courteous & obviously very efficient. Highly recommend…
— J.H.,
Calgary - AB

Kimberley, BCKimberley, British Columbia

  • The Water Guy
  • Local Servicing and Installations
  • West & East Kootenay Service Area

This was a mining town with a famous and long lasting mine.

Cominco (Teck Resources) built this town and now a few decades after the big closure this place is on the comeback.

Kimberley is notably the highest city in Canada with an elevation of 1120 metres.

Kimberley Area Water Treatment

This town has a big beautiful reservoir in the mountains, that has soft water with the usual suspects of an open source system. One of their main issues is the old infrastructure carrying the water to the residents which leaches lead into the water.

The countryside water around the town is generally hard requiring a water softener with varying degrees of metal content, high manganese, iron and hydrogen sulfide are not uncommon. Iron filters are often used as the primary treatment for these issues. Manganese Greensand filters, air injection are the most common methods for removing metals.

The water is beautiful! No discoloration, smell, etc. It even tastes great!!! Thank you very much!
- C.H., Jaffray - BC

Your Kimberley Service & Installation Specialists

West & East Kootenay Local Service & Installation
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  1. Visit our Contact Us page.
  2. Select "QUOTE" as a new customer or "SCHEDULE" for servicing existing equiment.
  3. Provide as many details about your requirements as possible.
  4. Attach any Photos, Videos or Water Tests. (Recommended)
  5. Our Water Technicians will contact you to discuss the best options that are specific to your water purification requirements.

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